L'ancienne app Paris Match app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: CMI France
First release : 01 Apr 2010
App size: 24.42 Mb
Cette application est l’ancienne application de Paris Match. Elle permet de lire les magazines en format PDF de Paris Match en version numérique. Si vous avez un abonnement en cours ou qui a été renouvelé automatiquement sur cette ancienne application, nous vous invitions à la télécharger afin de retrouver votre abonnement à Paris Match en format PDF.
Elle ne permet pas d’accéder à l’intégralité des contenus proposés par nos journalistes et disponibles sur notre site.
Vous ne pourrez donc pas vous abonner à Paris Match ou accéder à lensemble des articles du site Paris Match sur celle-ci.
RDV sur la nouvelle application : Paris Match : Actualités, pour découvrir vos contenus gratuits et vous abonner.
Depuis plus de 70 ans, les photographes et reporters de Paris Match parcourent le monde entier pour raconter, témoigner, montrer la vie telle quelle est, et vous faire vivre lactualité au plus près des évènements.
Hebdomadaire d’information et d’actualités générales, édité en France, Paris Match est aujourd’hui une référence dans le monde du photojournalisme. Témoin de lhistoire notre magazine fait vivre à des millions de lecteurs les grands moments de lactualité.
Un regard à part, un contenu qui lui est propre, Paris Match entretient avec ses lecteurs un lien fait d’émotion et de passion : scènes de chaos à Bagdad, ambiance feutrée du bureau ovale, glamour de la montée des marches à Cannes… Paris Match capte ces instantanés de vie au croisement de la petite et de la grande Histoire.
People, news, politique, médias, photos, reportages, témoignages, interviews… dans les pages actualités, cœur chaud du journal, pénétrez dans les coulisses des évènements. Un contenu riche pour retracer les faits marquants du moment.
Paris Match, c’est aussi de nombreux articles, interviews et critiques sur l’actualité culturelle : les derniers livres, films, expositions… tous les évènements culturels passés en revue par nos spécialistes.
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Latest reviews of L'ancienne app Paris Match app for iPhone and iPad
Not being french, i still think this is One of the Best iPad apps around so far!
Unfortunately Paris Match has abandoned its previous iPad interactive version which was amazing. It probably could not justify the cost of continuing to produce a truly digital version of this magazine. So now it has taken a giant leap backwards to a dull printout out of the magazine. What is lost? The ability to click on an image and see it in high resolution. With a printout you have to pinch and zoom to see a pixelated version of an image. The interactive version had no advertising. Now, with the printout, you see every ad. The interactive version had media links to video and music which was awesome. In the printout version, they have QR codes, which is ironic because they are useless as they are meant for a physical magazine! A lot of thought also went into the formatting and navigation in the interactive version which gave it a special feel. Too bad Paris Match, you had a great thing going and now all your digital subscribers lose.
Im not sure how they intend to deliver more content in the future, will they update this app with the next edition or will I have to get a new app (which would be cumbersome). However sustainability issues aside I really enjoyed my time with Paris Match. There were only a small number of stories but these were beautifully done. They featured lovely photos and some interesting commentary, if you speak french. The slideshows, with music, were well done too, however the speed between transitions may be too quick for some non-native speakers to read the captions. I particularly liked that it clearly was adapted to a unique iPad oriented presentation, with everything laid out visually on a single screen to start. It wasnt, just a print publication digitized. Especially given the price it is worth a try for some beautiful photographs and a chance to practice French.
I enjoyed Paris Matchs approach of the iPad. Their design is elegant, almost intuitive navigation - I like discovering links or additional info within an article. Obviously this is not the full newsstand version but the article selection was interesting. Congratulations!
I used to read Paris Match as a French student, and always enjoyed the photojournalism format. Ive long wanted to subscribe to the magazine in recent years, so I am pleasantly surprised to see this free app. It sounds like this is their first foray into app-dom, with more ambitions for the future. Brush up on your French and enjoy the cool photos.